Minggu, 21 April 2019

Coronation Street Episode Review Friday 19 April 2019

Just in case you had forgotten the main running story at present is "Who pushed the factory roof down stairs" is supposed to be a huge who dunnit in the same mould as "Who pushed Ken down the stairs", except that tonight that story did not really feature apart from a cast iron denial from prime suspect (Gary) of his involvement in sabotage of the roof.  That leaves plenty of other suspects.

The story with probably the most airtime was probably Gemma and Chesney who has come to realise that you cannot live with them and you cannot live without them (a woman that is).  The caravan holiday does not go well and Gemma storms off to buy some waterproof clothing, she manages a hat/umbrella with a Union Jack but on her return journey to the caravan she finds a pub where her superior intellect, darts and drinking skills enable her to fleece the residents and provide the landlord with a real bonus in his takings!  Above we see her taking £5 a head off the other bar occupants as she drinks a pint of bitter out of the umbrella without spilling a drop.  Gemma staggers back to the caravan and falls asleep; when she wakes the caravan is proceeding through the countryside eventually stopping at a garden centre and she accuses the car owner of stealing the van.  Inevitably it becomes clear that she was not in her own caravan and the nice kindly policeman takes her back to Chesney.  They return to the Street and once again Chesney tells her that her learning curve is so far from positive that it looks like it is all over for the romance of the year.

Bertie.  Frankly I don't believe Sinead would call her child "Bertie".  The entire Tinker clan want a christening and a knees up and not another pagan ceremony.  Sinead caves and talks to Billy and she advises Beth that there will be a christening and would she read a poem pretty please?  Above you can't see Daniel nodding in assent when Beth says that the Tinker family have put their collective foot down - Sinead says "No" and Daniel rapidly starts shaking his head from side to side.  So will clan Tinker appear at the Christening?  And given it takes months to secure vicar time and attend classes before the event when will it be - July or August?

Earlier Beth is walking Peanut and the latter leaves a deposit on the pavement into which Ken treads.  Ken shames Beth into clearing it up telling her that the council are offering council tax discounts to those who report similar miscreants on the hotline line.  Inevitably Beth is able to capture Claudia allowing her dog to foul the pavement and not clear up and she is able to provide photographic evidence when she contacts the Poop Patrol hotline.

The walls at Number 11 have always been magical in the number of residents and with Sean now long gone Seb offers to move his stuff (and there is not much of it apparently) downstairs so that Eileen can gain some income by letting the room upstairs.  The new Street resident is Jan Lozinski, the Polish builder who is a keen disciple of Norman Tebbit.  Many moons ago Mr Tebbit urged job seekers to get on their bikes and Jan, having used a bike in his native Poland before coming here for the better money decides that Seb should get on his bike.  So an old bike is sourced and cleaned up (above) and now Seb is Mister Fixit with a Bike - no job too small!

This line did not make it into Corrie Comicals - and do not worry Brian is not referring to the usual "N" word but to the very much trimmed "and" which is an abbreviation not to his taste - so he will not be eating fish'n'chips or indulging in rock'n'roll!

Abi goes for the interview with Kev's mate but her lack of GCSE's seems to count against her more than her recent sojourn inside and she does not get the job, despite wearing a skirt which was little more than a belt.  Her apparent absence of qualifications seems to be an impossible barrier. 

Throughout the episode Sarah and Bethany have been discussing the fact that clearly Gary has been lying and that he has not been telling Sarah what he has been doing and that he did not come home overnight.  We see Gary emerging from a night in his blue van - but not for much longer.  Loan shark Rick has cleared the builders' yard of materials and tools (including the kettle) and if Gary signs over the van then Rick will write off the debt.  Gary signs.  Gary visits the Kabin and passes over Alex's bank card and passport which he extracted from Rick's office.  Gary advises Brian and Cathy to ensure that Alex's loan is repaid in full at the earliest opportunity.  Throughout Gary is walking around with dried blood patches arising from his more than bruising encounter with Rick in an earlier episode.  Gary returns to the Platt residence and finally tells Sarah most of the truth - including his denial of sabotage of the factory roof; initially he tells Sarah about sorting Alex's problem - but then does tell her that he was also in debt to Rick and as we see above he does not see himself as responsible - "things just kept going wrong".  There is nothing left.  And now can everyone please see sense - Sarah dump him and can Gary please leave the Street forever.  I am sure Mr North is fine - but I have never liked Gary or the on screen presentation of the character and want a Gary free Street by this time next week please.

Hope that it is clear!

Writer: Chris Fewtrell.  Director: Gill Wlkinson


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